Personal Training

We understand how hard it can be to get up in the morning and make your way to the gym. We also understand the importance of making that trip.  We pride ourselves on offering an atmosphere conducive to being healthy.

New members can meet with and essentially interview a Court One personal trainer for free after joining. A lot of people are not familiar with workout facilities at the time of joining and we want to make that first experience a good one. During the initial meeting our certified personal trainer can help walk you through the facility and teach you about some of the equipment  and best practices.

If you choose you can then set up a personal training session where the trainer will begin to work with you on a tailored plan for your overall health and wellness.

Proven Benefits

Functional training may lead to better muscular balance and joint stability, possibly decreasing the number of injuries sustained in an individual’s performance in a sport. The benefits may arise from the use of training that emphasizes the body’s natural ability to move in six degrees of freedom. In comparison, though machines appears to be safer to use, they restrict movements to a single plane of motion, which is an unnatural form of movement for the body and may potentially lead to faulty movement patterns or injury.[3] In 2009 Spennewyn conducted research, published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research which compared functional training to fixed variable training techniques, this was considered the first research of its type comparing the two methods of strength training.

Results of the study showed very substantial gains and benefits in the functional training group over fixed training equipment. Functional users had a 58% greater increase in strength over the fixed-form group. Their improvements in balance were 196% higher over fixed and reported an overall decrease in joint pain by 30%

Why use a Court One personal trainer?

Our personal trainers will help you achieve faster results by creating a more efficient workout. Creating a workout unique to your body and your individual health and fitness goals.

Every person is different,  the diet that worked for someone else might not be the one for you.  Working with a Court One personal trainer can insure you get a program tailored to your needs and one that fits your goals.

Why wait to make a change in your life?

We can help make a change with:

  • Short Personalized workouts
  • Fast results
  • Specializing in weight loss and muscle gain
  • A workout plan tailored to your body for the results you deserve
  • Diet plans and support included

How a Personal Trainer Can Help:

Learn proper technique and form. If you’re not exercising the right way, it can actually hurt more than it helps. By applying proper technique you’re maintaining safety and also getting the maximum benefit from your workout.

Setting and maintaining appropriate goals. Our trainers will be there to support you in your health goals. Insuring support and accountability each week. Many people never achieve results merely because they are accountable to only themselves.  A personal trainer should be that person that helps push you through your workout and praise you for your accomplishments.

Nutritional guidance is another benefit of a personal trainer. Many trainers have extensive information on nutrition and how different foods affect your mind and body. Please run your routine by a personal trainer to see if your current lifestyle or work out plan is actually helping.

Personal Trainers: